After a long dry spell, I'm returning to the blog. I had to find a place to post the videos we took of Paige's end-of-the-year school performance. This is precious footage you won't want to miss!
The class sang "We Are the Dinosaurs" (video1), "Twinkle Twinkle Traffic Light" and "Skinamarinkeedink" (video2). After the performance, we all got to eat ice cream!
Paige loved pre-school this year. She will be going back to the same school three mornings a week in the Fall.
Summer adventures have already begun! We traveled to Florida for our nephew's high school graduation & had a good visit with Steve's extended family. Paige and Adam were highly entertained by Chow Chow the cat at Grandma Joy's & Jaja's house (where we stayed). We visited the beach, the pool, and the Mote Marine Aquarium.

Paige and Adam at Mote
Steve holding Paige and Adam, with nephews CC and JJ
Living in Chicago, we are blessed with so many rich cultural institutions. The kids went with their nanny to the Museum of Science and Industry during the museum's annual free week. They enjoyed the hands-on kids activities & the model trains. I took Paige to a children's concert in Evanston, where we warmed up with the choir and won recognition for our audience participation as ducks on "I bought me a cat."
The kids and I visited the Chicago Botanic Garden while the roses were in full bloom! The smell was heavenly. The kids enjoyed watching the ducks, chipmunks, and birds. I enjoyed letting them run without worry. We all liked the intricate outdoor model railroad exhibit - complete with Thomas the Tank Engine!

Kids at the Botanic Garden